Saturday, June 13, 2015

Jurassic World Movie Review!

Oh my goodness! I saw Jurassic World on Thursday at 10:30 Pm in 3D and Imax with my boyfriend and it was BUSY! How busy? Busy that you had to wait in line to get into the theater, when they were cleaning it. We got a card neck holder thing to enter a contest to win $100 gift card.  After we got our spots and it took around 25 mins till the movie starts. I hate when there is tons of previews when you are so pump to see the movie. First off, when I saw the Jurassic World the rides they have for the guests, I thought of Sea World with not sea animals with dinosaurs. The movie was so AMAZING and tons of actions and great actors and actresses. Just warning there is a lot people get killed in the movie! The movie was around 2 hours and 10 mins long. It was worth seeing in 3D and worth the money and I LOVE IT! I want to say more about the movie, but I will spoil it and I don't want that because I don't need anyone to get upset at me for doing that. My boyfriend LOVE the movie and he says that what we been waiting for 20 years! 
5 out 5 stars from my boyfriend and I. 

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