Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 2- Blister and Period = not fun

Day 2 was pretty much easier than the first day, but still have a down fall. I woke up with cramps and Mother Nature came and visit me! Yay! Not fun. After I woke up, I made some chicken sausages and than I did a 7 min workout on a app on my Iphone. I did that and than I mopped the kitchen floor and vacuum the house. After I clean the house, my boyfriend came over and hang out with me and help my cramps go away. Sadly, I didn't went to the gym because of my blister on the side of my left ankle. My blister was so painful and it was so painful to walk and do daily tasks. For dinner, my mom got a roasted chicken from Costco and I made Mash Potatoes and green beans.  I am so proud of myself I didn't had a soda.  How everyone is doing? I miss you guys, and I miss posting on my blog.  I am pretty pumped because Thursday( tomorrow) I have a interview with my local Hospital for Volunteering. 

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