Tuesday, March 17, 2015

50 random things about me!

50 random things about me! Just like Youtuber's did the tag, I am doing it too, but on a blog post. Let's begin! 
  1. I am Christian 
  2. I got webb hand on my left hand, that effects my ring finger and pinkey finger. So, if I put do put a ring on my left ring finger the ring will be not fix normal. 
  3. I have a scar on my left hip that used to be on my back
  4. I am very great in math
  5. but weak in English 
  6. I can watch medicine shows while eating 
  7. I haven't ever got into a car crash *Knock on wood*
  8. I'm skinny, but I can lift up to 150 pounds 
  9. I won't ever picked up any alcohol 
  10. I pull my hair out, but not to a point of getting bald spots
  11. I have a stigma 
  12. I never gone to Sea World 
  13. I never gone on an airplane 
  14. I never gone out of California
  15. I never gone up North California
  16. I never smoke 
  17. I am Virgin 
  18. I collect snow globes
  19. I bite my nails
  20. I fart louder than guys
  21. I sneeze louder than most or all females 
  22. I hate wearing bras
  23. I hate spending a lot time on getting ready
  24. I hate roller coasters
  25. I am afraid of the dark
  26. I am  afraid of rats
  27. I never got a ticket
  28. I never gone to jail
  29. I only know how to speak English
  30. I hate History 
  31. I love learning about someone life
  32. I sneak soda's at night to drink ( Not allowed to drink a lot soda's because their  are my  dad soda's)
  33. I sleep with my baby blankets
  34. I sleep with night lights 
  35. I never sneak out of the house 
  36. I learn different and at a different rate 
  37. I am great with kids, but not book smart
  38. I am Awana leader 
  39. I hate grilled cheese sandwiches
  40. I hate pancakes 
  41. I can touch my nose with my tongue 
  42. My hair stops growing at a point 
  43. I look younger than my age 
  44. I never own a biki swimsuit
  45. I love swimming 
  46. I never own pair of short shorts 
  47. I love country music 
  48. I love things look like cupcakes 
  49. I hate cheeseburgers 
  50. I don't have any tattoos 

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