Sunday, March 15, 2015

Elementary School + Dyslexia = Alone Julianne

How I should start this blog? I been thinking about how I should start out about my years going to school with my ADHD and dyslexia from a young kindergartner to a young 20 almost 21 year old women. Well, you might wanted to get a snack and a drink because this is going be crazy, sad,happy,funny years of my years going to school. Let's started off with elementary school than I will add another blog about middle school years and high school years. My  kindergarten and 1st grade was so fun because at the time, I was pretty much "normal" kid.  I remember that one day in first grade, the teacher say put on your jackets because its cold and I say why should we put on our jackets? You might be cold,but you don't if I am cold or not. Than she says do you want me call your mom to tell her what you told me? Than I put on my jacket, and I was raise to say your opinion, but when the person listen and told you to do something, you do it without complaining. I was at a school that wasn't a school that helps kids with a learning disability. I had to transfer to another school half of second grade to another school. I went to a new school that can helped me and the school was only less than five mins away from my house which was a great plus. My old school was like 15-20 mins away and I went to daycare and the daycare lady dropped me off at school. In second grade, I had a new daycare I went too and I was in daycare because my dad and mom work all day and my mom didn't wanted me to stay home alone. In second grade, there was a field trip to take the train to somewhere( I don't remember where to) and I LOVE going on trains, but that day I didn't want to go and I didn't go. In second grade, I had my first crush on a boy and that crush last till I was in MIDDLE SCHOOL! This crush at the time and still do as today, lives one street before me and I don't know why I had a crush on him. At this new school, I had my first crush and first bullies and first friends and first friendships got crushed and first classmate passed away at a young age.At the new school, one week you can bring marbles and play with other kids.  In second grade,I started with going to resource aka ( special ed resource)  and going to speech therapist. I hated  so much at a time of day, I had to get up and go to a different classroom. I felt so different and felt that I had to go to a classroom for dumb people. I'm not like other people with learning disability because I am super close to being in regular classes. I am just weak at reading and writing and spelling because my dyslexia, but I am very good in math. The resource teacher told my mom that your daughter, is a fighter and she works so hard that she doesn't wants the easy way out, she wants to work for her grade, and she doesn't let the ADHD and dyslexia get in her way.  In 2003, I was a little 3rd grader and ready for another school year. In 3rd grade was one of the fun years at school, I made new friends. In 2003, there was huge fire where I live and school got cancelled a lot. The fire was around the whole city and right close by my house and school... Was very scary and tons of ashes and smokey. In  3rd grade, we went on a field trip, which was my FAVORITE filed trip ever, The Ronald Reagan Library!!! I love Ronald Reagan, I did a report him on. In 2004, 4th grade and one of the rough and fun and sad year for me. In 2004, my dad had a stroke and our loving bond was crushed.. Read my blog about my early childhood to learn about my dad and mom. In 2004, my favorite president die and I was crying from that . 4th grade was my first teacher was a male and he was so fun and funny teacher, he was 6 feet tall and HUGE and he was BALD! I remember so much about how funny, my teacher was, he made his students carried a tall, long piece of wood, that was taller than all of the class..  He made learning fun and he made math so fun and since than I LOVE and became a math geek. One day, he was making us run for P.E and he say running makes us healthy, and I say why, I should run ( I was skinny) when I am healthy? He reword his words and saying running keeps us healthy and fit and doesn't matter what shape and size we are.  I remember every time when the school photographer for the yearbook, she tries to take a picture of the class or of my teacher, the teacher made us do make huge "W" with our fingers and put it on our foreheads and say WHATEVER! haha.. My 4th grade teacher had a mac computer and that was the FIRST time I saw a apple product. He was so awesome, he made fake money and once of month, there a was a shop you can buy stuff. That year, the teacher let each student in the class to make a song with a program to put on a CD.   In 2005, I was in 5th grade and another male teacher and still got amazing friends, but sadly I didn't know the next year, was going say bye bye friends and hello be alone all my 6th grade life.  In 5th grade, I did the talent show with my friend, who was a tomboy. I didn't knew that she would make my other friends to hate me.  In 5th grade, I got made fun of because I was too skinny and I didn't started to grow breasts and my speech problem and going to a different classroom to learn. I was called stupid and all bunches of names. Than later that year, I lost that friend of mine who was a tomboy.  Next year 2006, woohoo last year of school and a year later, I will be in MIDDLE SCHOOL! In 6th grade, I lost all my friends because they didn't accept me for me and that they didn't enjoy getting made fun of..  In 6th grade, we had a garden and the DARE program and did a played. I just remember me sitting at lunch alone, and sitting on the grass alone when listening about what our P.E is going be. In my 6th grade yearbook, there a picture of everyone in a group of their friends, and I was there alone. I am crying and sad right now as posting this, and I can't write more. 

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