Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hello Middle School

Yay! Middle school  means LOCKERS, changing for P.E, many different subjects. making new friends, MORE BOYS, new teachers! First day of school, in 2007 I went to school with no friends. I was alone little 7th grade with braces and skinny. I was very scared and didn't really want to go to school.. In my P.E. class, I meet new friends! I remember in P.E class, once a week the P.E teachers makes us,students run a mile and they time us and whoever gets the best time or get  done first, they don't have to do the next 1 mile run. Well, the run was 2 laps around the WHOLE field and up the "Z" stairs and down to do the another lap. The field was so big and long and always not fun when you have P.E after lunch and before lunch and LAST period of the day, its SUPER hot..  Sunny California does have great hot days.. Near the holidays, we run around the school twice and its called "Turkey Run" "Oh Santa Can't Out Run Me." Can you guess who always got best time? ME!!!! I saved my times to don't have to run that week... I used them for helping pushing my friends to get in a time before 16 mins. I met a lot new people, who became my friends. Well, in 7th grade I was in math,English, Earth science, P.E, history, social studies. I HATED social studies because its a class that you can do your homework and its like study hall, but its for students who have learning problems. I HATE it so much and I hate my teacher, I had because she smells and her breath smells like onions and her hands always very dirty, its doesn't look clean and she was CRAZY! One day in history class, I meet a person name Amy and she have a grandpa name Ron and I have grandpa name Ron and our grandpa both have same last name. We both told our moms about each other and our moms says that is your cousin! :O We cousins and we didn't know that ? LOL and funny part too is both of our mom's work in the same building and same office!!!  In 7th grade , I had to go to once a week to a person for my speech problem and he was crazy and mean and I hate speech and had to go out of class. I felt so different than anyone and I didn't like telling people where I was going.. I felt if I did, I was gonna be make fun of. 7th grade wasn't that hard and couldn't wait for 8th grade and I was so happy and was like how people say middle school is rough? Let's begin 8th grade, and let the roughness begin! In 8th grade, I still had my group of friends, I made and made more friends in 8th grade! My 8th grade classes I had was,P.E, math,history,science, I don't remember the name of the class, but I had a class that I help out special needs kids and something else. In 8th grade, we had a meeting with all my teachers and my mom and the teachers told my mom that I have to be put in lower class for English and I was super upset.. I didn't wanted be in a lower class.. I was super upset and felt like they were trying to say that I am stupid.. My mom told me to prove them wrong and show them how smart you are and don't let no one tell you are dumb when you are really are smart. So, I went with the flow. In that class is with the same teacher and same students in the class.. They were all so lazy and they like the work because it was easy. I hated that class because I love getting hard questions and that I can used my brain. I hate getting easy homework and classwork because its makes me feel why I should go to school and not be using my brain??? One day, I was walking home from school ( I live like 15 mins away from school and its all flat and only a hill where I live and I just have walk up three houses to my house on the hill) and not a lot people walk home and there was a girl from my elementary school who goes to my middle school , who was walking home too and she lives right behind me and she hated me so much, she follow me home.. She call me names and say mean things to me while I was walking in front of her. Next day, She did it again and this time she did was walk on other side and stop on the side of her street and waited till I walk up my street to see where I lived. The 3rd day, I got a ride home from my friend because her mom wanted to see if she could see if there another way for me to walk home without the bully knowing and sadly no other way. After week later of dealing with the bully, I went to the school office and fill out a paper to tell what is going on. So, one day I got a note to go to the office and I explain to them what happen and they told me that they talk to her and she got in trouble and that great for me to do  the right thing. They asked me, does your mom know what happen? I say no, I didn't told her yet because I wanted to try to fix this problem first than if it doesn't get work than I will ask her help. They were surprise that I did this on my own and didn't need anyone to help me out.  In 8th grade, I got made fun of because I had a crush on someone and there were bullies trying to say he likes me and blah blah. My best friend,Cassandra who I met in 7th grade told me sad news after 8th grade is over she is moving :( and I was so sad because she was the closest friend out of the group of friends. Than our friend, Hillary isn't going be going to the same high school as me, but only 1 friend out of the group of friends is going to the same high school as me.  After 8th grade is over, we went to eat and we had to say goodbye to Cassandra.. :( She move near to Disneyland.   8th grade was great, but hard because I got bullied and I got make fun of and I had to say bye to my BFF and only had friend is going to my high school. 
Me in 7th grade

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