Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Why I choose not to drink alcohol ever.

Why I choose not having alcohol, there is many reasons why I choose not to have any alcohol. I am straight out telling you why I don't want drink, but if you do drink and you are 21 years old, that is your choose. I hate seeing that people under 21 years old and seeing them post on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook, them drinking with pictures of them having alcohol or posting the alcohol and bragging about drinking alcohol. 

I don't want never pick up any drinks with alcohol because my dad is an alcoholic and his side of the family are alcoholic's. My dad started to drink lightly when I was young, after his stroke when I was 10 years old, he became drinking strong liquor. Over 10 years, my dad became drinking Vodka. Its just sad to see my dad can't go one day without drinking.

Another reason, I don't want drink because I wanted to have a mother and daughter or son relationship when I have kids. My dad and I were super close before his stroke and after his stroke, he gave up on life and wants to waste his life with drinking. My dad told me, that he doesn't care about me and he doesn't love me. I tried so many times to get my dad to quit drinking and get a father and daughter bond, but he doesn't care. 

Why should I drink and be alcoholic and who wants to have a wife who is an alcoholic? My boyfriend, he quit drinking period for me before we started to date. He quit drinking for me because he doesn't want me to worried about him becoming alcoholic. When I turn 21, he didn't took me to a bar and he didn't gave me alcohol. 
Another reason, I don't drink because in the Bible its says  Pr 23:20-21 (NIV) "Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags."  I know that Jesus turn water into wine, but in the Bible it also says don't over do it. 
So, why I should waste my money and calories on an alcohol drink, when there is better drinks out there? I love drinking ice tea's and coffee. Its hard to see my mom struggling with money. My mom doesn't give my dad money for alcohol. My dad gets hang over and he doesn't go to work and when he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid. He steals money from my mom and I, he snoops for cash and tries to find ways to get money. He takes something from home and sells it on to a random person. My dad doesn't care if we struggling for money.
Alcohol isn't good for your liver and more. Health Factors of drinking, short and long terms

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