Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 1- Kick butt!!!

 Yesterday ( Monday, June 1.) was my day 1 of eating healthy which I did last month and lost 4 pounds and day 1 of getting fit. So, day 1 was hard and I am just a shame that I drank 2 soda! Why?? One reason because I completely forgot that it was day 1 of no soda's till around 2pm... So, around 2:30 pm I got an idea to run to my boyfriend house ( 2.3 miles from my house to his) and I got ready and pack a backpack of water bottles and Mama Chia squeezeable pack, with extra clothes and gym towel and my wallet and keys. So, I had that and my iPhone with the app runastic and music on, but I speed walk and started to walk around 3pm. I did a mile in 15 minutes, speed walking.  I didn't even told my boyfriend I was going walk to his place. Than around half way near In N Out, I text my boyfriend to make sure he is home. He was than I was in his neighborhood and I remember there is a short cut way to his area. Why not try it? At this time it was 3:40 and feeling good, but I got little lost. Thank goodness for iPhone and maps! I was around 2 minutes from the path to go to back on route. When I was at the last long stretch to his place, I had to pee and my left ankle hurting. Than I told him how close I'm and he surprised me and pick me up and we went to In N Out!!  I order a protein style hamburger with a water cup. After that, I was home ad check out my ankle and found there is a blister on side of my ankle. On my right ankle I got a blister on my heel from last Friday. So, I pop my blister and than my mom and I went to the gym after not going for 6 months!! We did tranmile and bike for a hour. That was my day. Got love getting  blisters

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