Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The I'll confess my ABC's Tag!

 I'll confess my ABC's

A- Age: 21
B- Biggest Fear: Roller coasters
C- Current Time: 12:22 Pm 
D- Drink you last had:  Water with lemon
E- Easiest Person To Talk to:  My boyfriend,Adam
F- Favorite Song: My two favorite songs: Cowboys and Angel by Dustin Lynch(my boyfriend and I song), Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland.( This song is totally me about how much i love my boyfriend) 
G- Grossest Memory:  Watching a toddler and she took of her diaper, rub the diaper on the wall.. It was a poopy diaper 
H- Hometown: South California.. 
J- Jealous Of:  Nothing
K- Killed Someone?  Nope
L- Longest Relationship: So, far Adam and I is my longest relationship. On Christmas Eve this year is our 4 year anniversary! 
M- Middle Name: Mariah
N- Number of Siblings: 0, Only child
O- One Wish:  Don't have an alcoholic dad 
P- Person who you last called: Adam
Q- Question you're always asked: ? 
R- Reason to smile: To make someone else smile and make their day brighter
S- Song you last sang: Cowboy and Angels
T- Time you woke up: 10 A.M.. 
U- Underwear Color: Holy White 
V- Vacation Destination: Michigan ( Adam from Michigan and I want visit his family)
W- Worst Habit: biting my nails
X- Xrays you've had: back, pinkey finger
Y- Your favorite food: Seafood
Z- Zodiac Sign: Pisces

I tag you, yes you my follower or new to my blog or who is reading this! Copy and Paste and tag away! 

 I'll confess my ABC's
A- Age:
B- Biggest Fear:

C- Current Time:
D- Drink you last had: 
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: 
F- Favorite Song: 
G- Grossest Memory: 
H- Hometown: 
J- Jealous Of: 
K- Killed Someone? 
L- Longest Relationship:
M- Middle Name: 
N- Number of Siblings:
O- One Wish: 
P- Person who you last called:
Q- Question you're always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Song you last sang:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear Color:
V- Vacation Destination:
W- Worst Habit:
X- Xrays you've had:
Y- Your favorite food:
Z- Zodiac Sign:

Saturday, June 27, 2015

All about me A-Z

All about Julianne. A-Z . I want  to see if you can do this! 

B- Beauty 
C- Christian 
D- Daughter
E- Energetic
I-  Inspiring 
K- Kind
L- Loving
O- Opinion 
P- Pioneer( School mascot)
Q- Questionable 
R- Role Model
S- Smiley 
T- Terrific 
U- Unique
V- Volunteer
W- Weird
X- Don't have one
Y- Young 
Z- Don't have one

62 Reasons why I love my boyfriend

62 Reasons why I love my boyfriend, Adam.

1. He is an Christian 
2.He is caring
3.He is loving
4.He is funny.
5. He travel from Michigan to California 
6.He is sweet
7.He makes me smile
8. He loves my modesty 
9. he loves me for me 
10. He is respectful
11. He fun to hang with
12. He protects me 
13. He doesn't smoke 
14. He is loyal
15. He is truthful
16. He is great with kids
17. He respects my values 
18. He is my biggest cheerleader 
19. He have the cutest smile.
20. His eyes light up my day
21. He loves my cooking 
22. He puts up with my craziness 
23. He always there for me 
24. His goodnight calls
25. His good morning text message
26. He knows everything about me 
27. He stays up with me when I am not feeling good.
28. He takes care of me when I am sick
29. He always loves me no matter what
30. He cheers me up when I am sad
31. He always there for me 
32. He lets me sleep in when I need extra mins of sleep
33. He takes me to places that I need to go
34. He the first person called me beautiful 
35. Always have my back 
36. Always telling me that I am worth everything
37. He helps my grandpa and mom and great aunt out
38.  He always hugs me 
39. He always gives me a kiss before he goes home.
40. His texts to tell me where he at 
41. He is always warm
42. Always loves to sing with me 
43. Doesn't judge me 
44. Always making sure I am feeling good
45. Waits for me
46. He rubs my back when I need a back rub
47. He loves to go shopping with me 
48. His surprises 
49. His voice
50. His giggles
51. His laugh
52.  He shares his food/drink with me 
53. He spoils me 
54. He lets me wear his jacket when I am cold
55.He is a big soft teddy bear
56. He doesn't care if I fart or burp around him
57. He is great at cooking
58. He does little things to make me happy
59.He helps me out 
60. He loves Molly the dog
61/ He is my first kiss ever
62. His first love

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A-Z all things I love

  1. Adam 
  2. Bible
  3. Chiweenies 
  4. Dogs
  5. Elephants 
  6. Flowers
  7. Grapes
  8. Hugs
  9. Ice tea
  10. Juicy Fruit Gum
  11. Kisses
  12. Lollipops
  13. Molly
  14. Naps
  15. Outside
  16. Popcorn
  17. Questions
  18. Roses
  19. Sunshine
  20. Teal
  21. Unicorns
  22. Victory 
  23. Worship 
  24. X( don't know any words starts with X)
  25. Yellow
  26. Zebras

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Diyg- Sugar Scrub

Hey girl, ready to have a spa day? This sugar scrub is great for having a spa day or make it for a gift. 

Diyg- Sugar Scrub! This scrub is great and easy to make. 

What do you need?
 Sugar, Olive Oil( you can used coconut oil or any type of oil you want,) Organic honey ( you don't have to,) Peppermint oil( you can used lemon oil, whatever oil you want your scrub to smell like,) a bowl, a spoon, a mason jar, 1 cup. The honey, I used is from Costco. The honey have a nice texture not smooth like the honey from the bear shape.
Put in your bowl a cup of sugar ( add little more like another 1/3 cup,) and a cup of olive oil and 4 drops of your oil and I put in 2 tablespoons of honey.  Mix it all up till you get the look of the picture of the sugar scrub in the picture. You MUST put the sugar scrub in a glass jar for the oils.
Like this.

The honey I used

Homemade house cleaner wipes- Diyg

Hey ya'll, I am going be posting up posts of my Diy's and how to make things that are helpful and useful and easy and simple! It's going be so simple that we, as women can do it without any man help! The Diy's tag is going be Diyg. You might look at that and get confused, the "D" is for Do, "I" is for It, "Y" is for Yourself, "G'' is for Girl.  Trust me, I am not the crafty person. Used the #Diyg  so I can see your pictures and don't worried  I will heart the picture(s) on Instagram and favorite them on Twitter. 

Moving on to the Diyg!

 So, one day my boyfriend bought cleaning wipes and when the wipes were all gone, I thought I should try to make homemade wipes and that is all nature. I first thing, I clean the container. Than I got paper towels and fold them back to back. Its up to you how many you want to have. I put in water(1 cup) enough to soak the towels and I put in lemon oil( around 4 drops) and 2 teaspoons of vinegar, and 1/2 teaspoons of dish soap. Simple? Totally simple and easy!
The right side is before % left is after
How the ones I made look like.
NASTY dust!
What I store the wipes in.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Is it Summer yet?

Is Summer here yet? It feels like it Summer for So Cali. 
I love Summer, but I hate feeling sweat going down my back. If I could choose to being cold or hot, I would choose being cold because you can get warm with blankets, but when you get too warm you can take off blankets. When its hot, you can't just cool off by  the weather.  Since I was young, I always to try find a way to go swimming and find a way to stay cool. My house, there is no A.C and no pool and its always hot, hot. When I was young, not a lot of my friends have a pool and if they have a pool, they always busy.  Finally, after years of dying of going swimming, I can go swimming! During the Summer time PLEASE drink water, or else you can over heat. Coffee isn't the best thing to drink during the Summer.  Don't walk your dogs when its so hot, walk them in the morning or at night when its cooler. Just think you as your dog, would you like walking on the sidewalk with no shoes?  Stay cool this Summer and drink a lot water and don't skip of eating food. 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Jurassic World Movie Review!

Oh my goodness! I saw Jurassic World on Thursday at 10:30 Pm in 3D and Imax with my boyfriend and it was BUSY! How busy? Busy that you had to wait in line to get into the theater, when they were cleaning it. We got a card neck holder thing to enter a contest to win $100 gift card.  After we got our spots and it took around 25 mins till the movie starts. I hate when there is tons of previews when you are so pump to see the movie. First off, when I saw the Jurassic World the rides they have for the guests, I thought of Sea World with not sea animals with dinosaurs. The movie was so AMAZING and tons of actions and great actors and actresses. Just warning there is a lot people get killed in the movie! The movie was around 2 hours and 10 mins long. It was worth seeing in 3D and worth the money and I LOVE IT! I want to say more about the movie, but I will spoil it and I don't want that because I don't need anyone to get upset at me for doing that. My boyfriend LOVE the movie and he says that what we been waiting for 20 years! 
5 out 5 stars from my boyfriend and I. 

Organize Clothes!

This last week out of nowhere I felt I want to organize my whole closet and dresser and put all my warm clothes away for the Summer. First, I did was take all of my clothes from my closet and dresser and put them in a HUGE pile in the living room. Before I start folding the clothes, I went to my room and think how I am going organized my closet by and how I'm going organize my dresser. I made a list of ideas and I tried to get ideas from looking online, but it was hard to find anything. After spending 20 mins of looking online for ideas, I got all my warm clothes from sweats to long shirts to jackets in a pile. Than I look at all my clothes and see what clothes I don't wear anymore and put those clothes into a pile to donate. After putting clothes into piles, I finally can start folding my clothes. I started out to fold my clothes and put another pile together for hanging up in my closet. Guess what happen???? I GOT DISTRACTED! How? I was in my room and my desk was a mess,but not a huge mess and I organized my desk. Organized my desk took me about a hour or 2! Yup crazy, because that day my ADHD crazy mind had so many things I wanted to get done before the day was over.. After getting distracted, I finally got everything done! I now have all my warm clothes put away and all my Summer outfits out. Funny thing is the next day, it was RAINING! When the day, I was organizing my clothes was 102 degrees out! 

Little bit crazy of CUPCAKES!

Just might be little bit crazy about Cupcakes! Here is one of three things I collect. I collect things shape as cupcakes, and I also collect snow globes and key chains. When I was little, I collect stamps than key chains and snow globes, but I started to collect cupcake things in 2008.  This post is all about my cupcake collection. 

Here is my whole cupcake collection. 
What I have?
Cupcake's Planners
Cupcake book.
Cupcake Cookbook
Cupcake band aids
Cupcake pencil holder
Cupcake stickers
Cupcake hand towels
Cupcake key chain
Cupcake top( says "Muffins are ugly cupcakes)
Cupcake bracelet
Cupcake Jar
Cupcake Pen
Cupcake snow globe
Cupcake Vase( Purple thing)
Cupcake lotion
Cupcake chap stick 
Cupcake notebook
Cupcake candle
Cupcake Picture frame
Cupcake Plate
Cupcake Mitten 
Cupcake Face Towel 
Cupcake bookmark 
Cupcake necklace 
Cupcake hand cream 
Cupcake Pj's 
Cupcake top ( says Cupcake and Caffeine)
Cupcake Notepad(shape as a cupcake)
Cupcake gift bags
Cupcake mirrors 
Cupcake magnets
Cupcake bracelet jar
Cupcake made out of paper

I still want a purse with cupcakes on it, and cupcake toothpaste. Do you think I am just "little" bit crazy? Funny fact is I enjoy eating cupcakes, but not crazy of eating them. I have to be in the mood to eat a cupcake. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Diyg-Do it yourself girl. Pens & Pencils Mason Jar Holder

Lately, I been organizing my whole room from my closet to my desk to my dresser to my nightstand. After cleaning out my whole desk, I found TONS of pens and pencils and my mom have TONS of mason jars from big to small. that we don't used  a lot. So, why not make a pen and pencil holder with the mason jars? Plus I have spray paint, that my boyfriend used for Halloween time for trunk or treat. 

What you need?

Spray paint -of any color of your choice.( I used red and silver)

Mason Jars- depends how many you want to make and depends if you want small or big ones. 

Duck Tape- to create  a design on the jar

Old paper or newspaper- To put the mason jars on so you don't get the paint on the ground.

For the big jar, I did red with random spots of silver. 
For the two small jars, I did silver with red spots. I love the plan silver, but I was like that seems too simple. 

The two small mason jars

The big jar

All done, finally results!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 2- Blister and Period = not fun

Day 2 was pretty much easier than the first day, but still have a down fall. I woke up with cramps and Mother Nature came and visit me! Yay! Not fun. After I woke up, I made some chicken sausages and than I did a 7 min workout on a app on my Iphone. I did that and than I mopped the kitchen floor and vacuum the house. After I clean the house, my boyfriend came over and hang out with me and help my cramps go away. Sadly, I didn't went to the gym because of my blister on the side of my left ankle. My blister was so painful and it was so painful to walk and do daily tasks. For dinner, my mom got a roasted chicken from Costco and I made Mash Potatoes and green beans.  I am so proud of myself I didn't had a soda.  How everyone is doing? I miss you guys, and I miss posting on my blog.  I am pretty pumped because Thursday( tomorrow) I have a interview with my local Hospital for Volunteering. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 1- Kick butt!!!

 Yesterday ( Monday, June 1.) was my day 1 of eating healthy which I did last month and lost 4 pounds and day 1 of getting fit. So, day 1 was hard and I am just a shame that I drank 2 soda! Why?? One reason because I completely forgot that it was day 1 of no soda's till around 2pm... So, around 2:30 pm I got an idea to run to my boyfriend house ( 2.3 miles from my house to his) and I got ready and pack a backpack of water bottles and Mama Chia squeezeable pack, with extra clothes and gym towel and my wallet and keys. So, I had that and my iPhone with the app runastic and music on, but I speed walk and started to walk around 3pm. I did a mile in 15 minutes, speed walking.  I didn't even told my boyfriend I was going walk to his place. Than around half way near In N Out, I text my boyfriend to make sure he is home. He was than I was in his neighborhood and I remember there is a short cut way to his area. Why not try it? At this time it was 3:40 and feeling good, but I got little lost. Thank goodness for iPhone and maps! I was around 2 minutes from the path to go to back on route. When I was at the last long stretch to his place, I had to pee and my left ankle hurting. Than I told him how close I'm and he surprised me and pick me up and we went to In N Out!!  I order a protein style hamburger with a water cup. After that, I was home ad check out my ankle and found there is a blister on side of my ankle. On my right ankle I got a blister on my heel from last Friday. So, I pop my blister and than my mom and I went to the gym after not going for 6 months!! We did tranmile and bike for a hour. That was my day. Got love getting  blisters

Monday, June 1, 2015

Goals for June

This is going be my goals for June!

1. Eat Healthier
2. No Sodas ( I do love having a bubble drink and I sneak soda during a day or at night)
3. Workout 3-4 times a week
4. Gain muscle 
5. Run nonstop for 25 mins!
6. Do more than 10 push ups
7. Touch my toes
8. Write down what I eat and drink everyday ( Food Journal)
9. Goal Weight- 115

Shame on me!

Shame on me for not posting ANYTHING since May 13th!!! So long ago! I am sorry about that and it was so hard to post about the stroke facts because I get flash backs on my dad when he was having a stroke and not a lot people read the posts. I am super sorry about not getting it done. Hopefully you guys will understand. Today is a new month and I have tons of goals and things I wanted to do this month.  First off, I am going be trying to post everyday and posting my goals next post after I get this done. Here I was thinking is eating healthy( which in May I did health, but I did cheat with having soda and eating sweets..)   and working out more. ( to be honest I haven't gone to the gym since LAST YEAR!) If you know me, I am skinny and people tells me you are skinny you don't need to worried about your weight. In high school, I was 110 pounds that tiny and I wasn't 100 pounds till I was 16 years old. Now I weight around 126. I used to run a ton and love to run and I did the local running team, but in high school I wasn't in sports because I felt I wasn't good enough to be in sports.  Hopefully you guys will cheer me on and maybe we can have a little pack and get fit and healthy! It doesn't matter if you are skinny or fat, you just have to set goals and we can help each other out. I know everyone isn't perfect!  I know I am telling you all on June 1st, but you can start today or tomorrow morning, but we don't need to give up! Just watching Cullen and Katie seeing them eating healthy and getting fit in 28 days! Dang. Just why not start today! It's NEVER to late to start getting healthy.