Friday, April 24, 2015

How I accept myself with ADHD.

In How I accept myself as a person with ADHD, it is not very easy at all. Since I was young as in second grade, I didn't really accept my own self. I always wanted to be "normal" and I wanted to be just like everyone else. I always felt not normal and I felt different than everyone else because of my ADHD and dyslexia. In second grade, I started to be on medicine for my ADHD.  When I was in elementary school, I had to put into Restore class for my dyslexia and I had to go see a speech therapist too. I was put into a normal classroom like everyone else have, but everyday around a time I had to get up and bring a book and notebook and walk to the restore classroom. I hated that so much because I felt everyone can stare at me and wonder why that I can go walk out of the classroom, but why she got stuff that isn't part of the class? I was the only one, who was in restore in my second grade class. When I was in the restore classroom, I felt like it was waste of my time, because I was in there for a hour or more.  I had restore for my English and Math that part of dyslexia. I used to hate the restore teacher, but after 4th grade I didn't really hate her.  When I was in the restore classroom, I felt so dumb and stupid because who was in the classroom, they weren't high in learning like I was.  When I was in school, I was at the line that makes you be in regular class(es) to being in restore class(es). I always wanted to be challenge with the work. In the restore classroom, the teacher gave us easy work and I felt like it was so easy. I told her that its easy work for math and I didn't had any problem with English because I am weak in English, but very good at math. The only thing I hated about English is the reading, I hate reading since I was young. I hate English so much because when I read out loud, I hate the sound of my voice and I felt so embarrassed if I can't pronounce a word right. I couldn't just pick up a book and read it all, I would just get tired of reading.  About math, I learn so quickly and pick up the math fast and I love learning and using my brain to work out math problems. The teacher taught me, how to used "dots" on numbers. It made it so easy to do math and I used different  tricks to help me in math. One year, the restore teacher let me stay in the classroom ( regular) during math and let me do it on my own :D I was so happy for myself. In 6th grade, I was very happy and I accept myself, but that didn't last.  In 6th grade, I was happy with being in restore class and I only go for hour and I had tons of friends and I had friends who in restore too. Well, I lost all my friends from school in one YEAR, but I still had my restore friends.  In 6th grade, I got make fun of and being bully because I had a small chest and I have a speech problem and I I'm skinny. In my 6th grade yearbook, I see pictures of everyone with their friends and I was only one who was alone. In mids school was better, but I didn't really accept myself. One of my restore classmate, she got into normal classes, but I didn't!!! Only 1 class!!! She wasn't even smart and she was always struggleing with school. That made me feel so stupid and dumb. I was on the line of being in normal classes and being in restore classes. I was very high in math and all subjects, but English.  In the 7th grade,I had all restore classes, but 2. I hated that so much, because everyone in the classes didn't care about learning and they hated school and they were so rude.  I asked the teachers if they can make the work little more hard, for me and not easy that is easy that a 5th grader can do it? The teachers didn't do it because they felt it wasn't fair for the other classmates..  In my P.E class, I made new friends that were normal and in the normal classes. I told them about what kind of classes I have and told them about myself. They accepted me for me and was so happy for that.One of them, my Best friend Cass and I got made fun of a lot and I was sticking up for her and help her though it. She got made of fun and bullies call her Pizza face... I got made fun of when I got called out of class for speech. The classmates say that not fair Julianne can get out of class, than a teacher say she have speech to go to.. than the mean ones in the class, said HAHAHA JULIANNE GOT SPEECH, SHE IS STUPID ( in a dumb way stupod.) I hated skipped class because I get tons of homework and missed lessons. In 8th grade, I got made fun of still,but it went to the point of someone stalk me! This person who was a stalker, she went to my school and she lives right be behind me. When I was in middle school, I walk to school and I walk home and this stalker, she only walk home. When I walked home, she walks behind me and tease me and called me names. Than one day, I went to the office and I wrote a note about what going on and they talked to her and she got into trouble. I was so proud of myself doing it on my own without my mom help! In middle school, I felt stupid and dumb and not pretty. In 8th grade, I was out those restore classes, but sadly not out of speech. I still hate the speech person because he was rude and didn't care that I miss a lot stuff in class. I love my math teacher because she didn't gave us easy classwork, she gave us easy work than builds up and makes it harder. I love my class which I helped out special needs, because I was raise around special needs all my life. After 8th grade was over, I was enjoying life and accept myself and I felt normal because of my group of friends I made in 7th grade. Sadly, in high school made me enjoy life and hate life through the four years.Read  my posts about my high school years. When I turn 21 years old, I realize how lucky I am to be alive and healthy. I might not be good at school, but I do have amazing personality and who is very great with kids. I can handle a group of 10 kids with no help and make them quiet. I am so lucky that I am able to be an Awana Leader and help with the kids program at my church. I been happier more than ever inside and out. I finally feel beautiful without makeup because I been washing my face twice a day and no more acne! I have a boyfriend who loves me for me, he loves my personality that shines through me. 

If you have any questions or want my advice please comment or email me at 

Don't let no one put you down, you are one of a kind that God create for a reason. You might not know what God plan is, but one day you will find out.

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