Friday, May 1, 2015

Stroke Awareness Month of May!

The month of May is Stroke Awareness Month and I am going be posting something about Stroke each day of the month of May. Why I am doing this? The first main reason why I am doing this, because when I was only 10 years old my dad had a stroke when I was home alone with him. At that time, I was clueless and I didn't know anything about Stroke and nothing about how I could tell if someone is having one. When I was home with him, it was in August of 2004 and it was still Summer time and I went in to check in on my dad and he wasn't the same. I was worried and I called my mom ( at this time my mom work was only 10 mins from the house) and told her dad isn't the same as before. So, my mom came home for lunch and saw how my dad was and she wanted to take him to the doctors office. So, I helped my mom with my dad to take him to the doctors and the doctors told my mom that my dad was having a stroke and to take him to the ER. He was too late for getting the shot to help him to not get effect of the Stroke, so he got a lot damage from the stroke. He had to learn how to drive again and walk again. So, I want to help people learn about Stroke, so if they see anyone having a stroke they can give that person help fast. 

Fact of the day: Every 3.1 mins someone dies from having a stroke. Every 45 seconds someone in America is having a stroke! 

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