Tuesday, March 1, 2016

31 Day Disney Challenge for March! Day 1

Hello, lately I been thinking about doing a challenge on my blog and I been looking what challenge people been doing or done in the past. I came across the 31 days Disney challenge, and I love Disney and why not do one about Disney on my birthday month! My birthday is March 6th and I will be 22 years old! This Sunday and it will be raining in So California.

Let's begin with day-1, Favorite Movie.

My favorite movie is going be hard to just to pick one movie,when I have a lot favorite movies. Well, my favorite movie is "Green Fried Tomatoes," because there is many take a ways you can learn from this movie and its shows about friendship and it makes you cry from sad part to crying of laughter. The first time I ever watched this movie is senior year of high school. My English teacher, put this movie on and told us that its a great movie and great meanings. A lot people thought this movie will be crummy and stupid and so on, but after the class was over and the movie wasn't done, they all can't wait to see what happen next! 
Now tell me what is your favorite movie and if you have seen "Green Fried Tomatoes?"

xoxo- Juli

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