Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Update from few months ago till now.

I am sorry for not able to post anything since April or maybe even longer, this post will explain what I been dealing with and doing since April.

Before I explain what is going on, here who is in my family, My mom, my grandpa and his twin sister who is my great aunt and she have dementia, than there's my boyfriend,Adam and my uncle who is my mom's brother and my grandpa's wife passed away in 2011 than there is me, the only grandchild. By the way: We have Hospice for my great aunt and TLC a company to take care of my great aunt. Pets: Nyla an grey tabby and she is 13 years old, Molly an Chiweenie and she is almost 5 years old.

In the begging of April, one day my grandpa woke up with his arm hurting like he explains it like sleeping on it wrong. That morning, my grandpa made an doctor appointment to go see if the doctor could do something for him. My boyfriend and I took my grandpa to the doctors and the doctor told my grandpa, he might pulled a muscle in his arm and that he is going to send physical therapist to the house to help to get his arm better. My grandpa was glad to heard that, but I was thinking that was very odd and how he could do that? 
About week later, the physical therapist  came to the house about five times in two weeks and helping him out. Than one night while my mom and Adam and I were watching TV, my mom got an phone called from my grandpa, and my grandpa said that he had fell and that he can't get up. So, we all got in the car and rush over to his house, but thankfully my grandpa was on carpet and no bleeding and no pain! Sadly, all three of us could not picked him up, he was dead weight, but my mom called 911, but ask only for firemen to help us to picked up my grandpa off the floor. So, about three firemen came to the house and help him up and than they check him and left. My grandpa was fine and didn't really need our help anymore, and we went back home and my boyfriend went back to his place.

On one June day, my grandpa was coughing a lot and wasn't feeling good and my mom was worried that my grandpa might have bronchitic. So, that day my mom took my grandpa to ER and I was staying with my great aunt. After nine hours, my mom called me and told me that the hospital wants to keep grandpa over night because they can do a better x-ray on his lungs in the morning. That night, I stay the night with my great aunt and Molly and Nyla. My mom texted David and told him what is going on. The next day, when the nurse gave my grandpa breakfast, my grandpa was coughing a lot like he was chocking on his food. So, the doctor did more tests to see why he was coughing a lot when he eats. After doing few tests, the doctor told my mom that he might had an stroke, but it was weird because my grandpa didn't show any signs of having an stroke. That one way the discover he had an stroke and lost his ability to swallow. My mom texted her brother and David called and started to yelled at us and blame us for causing my grandpa to have an stroke.  David came down from where he lives is up north, but not north California like central California and started to make a big deal how my grandpa house is VERY,VERY dirty! He started to take pictures of EVERY dirt he could find and EVERY little thing that is wrong. My grandpa house wasn't VERY dirty, it wasn't dirty, because I clean his house everyday and take care of my great aunt and nanny at night time. That day, he say I can take care of my great aunt, so my mom and I let him. After three days, David  only spend time cleaning the carpets ( only living room and my great aunt room) and smoking and eating junk food and putting all the furniture in the house in different rooms and took off an wooden dresser legs and left his cigs bun on the ground, went home after three days.

  After few weeks of being in the hospital, my grandpa went home!  So, that day, David said that he can take care of them full time without any help. After four days, David went home and my mom had to take my grandpa back to the ER because my grandpa felt weaker and couldn't walk really good. After the ER visit, my grandpa had to stay over night because he was dehydrated and that my uncle didn't called the rehab people to come to the house to help get my grandpa stronger. That Sunday, I was with my great aunt and she was weak to and she told me that David woke up and yelled at my grandpa because David wants them to do what he wants not what they want him to do.  David was being very rude to the person from TLC and hospice people. 

My grandpa was in rehab for five weeks and he got home about June 25th he got home. Since he got home, I take care of him and my great aunt, but thankfully Adam helps me out and my mom helps me out too. On Mondays, there's no TLC person, so my boyfriend comes over and helps me out with the twins. On weekend, my mom helps me out a ton and lets me go out and do whatever I want. Tuesdays-Friday we have TLC comes and helps with my great aunt from 10 am to 3 pm. I been living at my grandpa's house for an while and there was no wifi till two weeks ago! 
We have physical therapist comes in and speech therapist and O.P comes in for my grandpa, but this week is he done with them! 

Updates! I passed my driver test last week! My grandpa can take showers without any help and shave too, he can walk better! My great aunt isn't drinking a lot water, but that normal for her and she has a lump or mass inside her side, but we can't do anything for it and her heart is working extra hard. 
The twins with Molly 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 5- Favorite Prince

Day 5- Favorite Prince: Eric from The Little Mermaid 
I see my boyfriend as Prince Eric. My boyfriend first kiss was with me and my first kiss was with him. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Disney day 4-Favorite Princess

Day 4- Favorite Princess: Bella from Beauty and The Beast.
She is smart and beauty, very caring and she doesn't judge. She looks in the beast beyond his beast looks.I don't judge, I found my boyfriend from his personality not by his looks. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Day 3 of Disney Challenge-Favorite Character

Day 3- Favorite character:Eeyore and Pooh
Why? I think Eeyore  and Pooh is just simple cute and adorable.I remember when I was around four years old and the first time I went to Disneyland, there was a long line to go see Pooh and I just ran to Pooh, I cut in line! My mom and dad couldn't keep up with me on running to see Pooh! Who doesn't like Pooh, he cute and he LOVES honey!

What your favorite character?

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Disney Challenge Day 2- Favorite song

Day 2- My favorite song-  Stuck Like Glue- Sugarland, Need  you now- Lady Antebellum( Adam favorite song)

Why I love Stuck Like Glue by Sugarland because I am stuck like glue to my boyfriend,Adam and he keeps my heart beat again and I am just little (maybe not just little bit) crazy for him and he knows me like no one does. When we were started to date, we had couple people told us, that we won't last and we been together for 4 years now! This song totally describes my view of my relationship. I am totally in love with Adam and this glue won't ever come off.

Need You Now by Lady Antebellum because my boyfriend, Adam and I were long distance relationship before he moved to me in California.  The first year of dating, when he was in Michigan and I was in California,Adam decide to take a trip to visit me. At first,I was so pump and happy, but I was shy and nervous too. I never had a guy who loved me for me and accepts me and Adam is my first boyfriend too. He travel from Michigan to California and he DROVE to me! Yes, he did that for me.  After he did three trips to visit me, he decide to MOVED to me! He said he missed me so much and he needed me more in person. 

What is your favorite song?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

31 Day Disney Challenge for March! Day 1

Hello, lately I been thinking about doing a challenge on my blog and I been looking what challenge people been doing or done in the past. I came across the 31 days Disney challenge, and I love Disney and why not do one about Disney on my birthday month! My birthday is March 6th and I will be 22 years old! This Sunday and it will be raining in So California.

Let's begin with day-1, Favorite Movie.

My favorite movie is going be hard to just to pick one movie,when I have a lot favorite movies. Well, my favorite movie is "Green Fried Tomatoes," because there is many take a ways you can learn from this movie and its shows about friendship and it makes you cry from sad part to crying of laughter. The first time I ever watched this movie is senior year of high school. My English teacher, put this movie on and told us that its a great movie and great meanings. A lot people thought this movie will be crummy and stupid and so on, but after the class was over and the movie wasn't done, they all can't wait to see what happen next! 
Now tell me what is your favorite movie and if you have seen "Green Fried Tomatoes?"

xoxo- Juli

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Crazy life got little bit crazier

Hello! I'm super sorry for not posting anything for months!!! I been very busy and too tired to post anything on my blog. 

         What I been up to since I was last on my blog? 
 I been working at a home daycare than I watch two girls after daycare. I mostly do daycare than babysit, but on Wednesdays I do Awana. I babysit two girls and another girl on the days when I don't babysit the two girls, I watch another girl. On Wednesday are my slow day, but I do Awana with my mom and boyfriend. Oh yeah,I was thinking to stop eating wheat and don't cheat days. I am allergic to wheat, but I can eat wheat and some days, I do get sick and some days I don't get sick. I was just getting tired of risking on getting sick. I got my driver permit again in December a week before Christmas. I lost around 10 pounds from eating healthier and from running around with kids.  I do take care of my grandpa and my great aunt on the weekends, with my mom and Adam. My grandpa is still hanging in there, his heart isn't at the best shape and he gets tired easily. When one of us is sick, he gets sick, but worse than us and longer. About an month ago, I was sick from a kid at the daycare who was sick and than my mom got it and she got a sinus infection and my boyfriend got sick, but not that bad compared to my mom and I. We didn't really see my grandpa when we were not feeling well and some how he got sick!!! He went to the emergency room and it took 9 hours!!! My great aunt( my grandpa twin sister), her dementia is getting worse, but she got a bladder infection and she only drinks one slip of water a day. Yes you read that correctly.
My boyfriend, Adam is still living in sunny California and he still loves me, when I am very busy and when I do get moody mood. He drives me around to places I need to go and he even takes my grandpa to places he needs to go! Adam is cutting down on the wheat too! I told him a day before the new year starts, that I am going be gluten free and I want be 100% gluten free and he doesn't have to be gluten free. I was super and shocked that he wants to help me and not eat a lot wheat and he buys me gluten free food and he loves helping me find gluten free food!! :) He finally upgrade his phone, he had for about five years and now he haves a Iphone 6 and he now haves Instagram!! 
Molly ( my chiweenie) is always her silly self and now she knows how to turn on a  electric blanket on herself!! 

Molly in her electric blanket

Guess what! I am going be blogging again and I am going being doing a blog challenge in March. On March 6, I will be 22 years old! I made Instagram account for my followers on my blog, so I can follow you all and get to know each one of you.  I can't wait to make get my blog up running again. My arms are open wide for new people. I need to think of a name to call my followers.. 
My Instagram name is MyCrazyLifeWithADHD just like my blog page.