Wednesday, January 2, 2019

What happen in 2018?

What happen in 2018?

I didn't post about 3 years because I was busy with life. 
In May of 2017, my dad had an major stroke, that made him lost his ability to walk. My dad went into a boarder care home, while my mom was getting the house remodel. My mom lived with her dad at his house with me. My grandpa's house was 1,050 square feet, with 1 bathroom with shower. 
In 2018, I went back to school for CNA and I passed the state test, WOOOHOO! 
In July of 2018, my mom, my dad, my grandpa, Molly ( the dog) and I moved back to my house. 
So, I started to take care of my dad, by making his lunch, dinner on weekdays while my mom was at work and feeding my grandpa through tube feedings at lunch and dinner times. 
My grandpa's dementia got worse and than he morn hard of his twin sister's death, 3 days before their birthday. She passed away in September, 2017 from dementia and they were really close. 
My grandpa was in and out of doctor's office with bladder infections and he was still on tube feedings.  My grandpa decide to that he doesn't want to do anymore tube feedings in October and my mom and I got him on hospice. Well, in October my grandpa was sick with pneumonia and was very weak, after few days being in the hospital, he came home. We couldn't feed him and he wasn't alert and wasn't into watching TV or talking..  It was hard to see my grandpa fading away slowly. On October 25th, my boyfriend, Adam and I were near the room, my grandpa was in and we heard him gasping for air and than we rushed to him and my grandpa took his last breathe and passed away. 
Nothing really happened in November and December, but my boyfriend and I had our 7th year of dating in December! I got a part time job and I got my home health care aid. 

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