Thursday, February 18, 2016

Crazy life got little bit crazier

Hello! I'm super sorry for not posting anything for months!!! I been very busy and too tired to post anything on my blog. 

         What I been up to since I was last on my blog? 
 I been working at a home daycare than I watch two girls after daycare. I mostly do daycare than babysit, but on Wednesdays I do Awana. I babysit two girls and another girl on the days when I don't babysit the two girls, I watch another girl. On Wednesday are my slow day, but I do Awana with my mom and boyfriend. Oh yeah,I was thinking to stop eating wheat and don't cheat days. I am allergic to wheat, but I can eat wheat and some days, I do get sick and some days I don't get sick. I was just getting tired of risking on getting sick. I got my driver permit again in December a week before Christmas. I lost around 10 pounds from eating healthier and from running around with kids.  I do take care of my grandpa and my great aunt on the weekends, with my mom and Adam. My grandpa is still hanging in there, his heart isn't at the best shape and he gets tired easily. When one of us is sick, he gets sick, but worse than us and longer. About an month ago, I was sick from a kid at the daycare who was sick and than my mom got it and she got a sinus infection and my boyfriend got sick, but not that bad compared to my mom and I. We didn't really see my grandpa when we were not feeling well and some how he got sick!!! He went to the emergency room and it took 9 hours!!! My great aunt( my grandpa twin sister), her dementia is getting worse, but she got a bladder infection and she only drinks one slip of water a day. Yes you read that correctly.
My boyfriend, Adam is still living in sunny California and he still loves me, when I am very busy and when I do get moody mood. He drives me around to places I need to go and he even takes my grandpa to places he needs to go! Adam is cutting down on the wheat too! I told him a day before the new year starts, that I am going be gluten free and I want be 100% gluten free and he doesn't have to be gluten free. I was super and shocked that he wants to help me and not eat a lot wheat and he buys me gluten free food and he loves helping me find gluten free food!! :) He finally upgrade his phone, he had for about five years and now he haves a Iphone 6 and he now haves Instagram!! 
Molly ( my chiweenie) is always her silly self and now she knows how to turn on a  electric blanket on herself!! 

Molly in her electric blanket

Guess what! I am going be blogging again and I am going being doing a blog challenge in March. On March 6, I will be 22 years old! I made Instagram account for my followers on my blog, so I can follow you all and get to know each one of you.  I can't wait to make get my blog up running again. My arms are open wide for new people. I need to think of a name to call my followers.. 
My Instagram name is MyCrazyLifeWithADHD just like my blog page.