Woah! Senior year already? Where this time went? As this year 2015, I been out of high school for 3 years in June!
I had Photography Class ( WOOOHOOO FINALLY!), Government (half a year) other half I had Economics. Child Development half year than other half Anatomy, 2 free periods (first period in the morning and Last period before school was over.)
Sadly, this year I had speech during second period which was Government/ Economics and I went with a person, who is special needs in a way. She was so sweet and she agrees with me that why the speech person always have to pull us out of that period and she HATES him like I do! ITS WASTE OF OUR TIME! He was being so rude and mean and crap. I told one of my teacher what was going on and she stand by my side and help me to get him in trouble! :D
I love and enjoy having two free periods and not a lot of my friends have two free periods,but some of my friends have no free periods, just only 2 classmates had only one free period. You might asked what I did during my free period in the morning or you might not ask, but oh well, I wasn't even a morning person even when I was a baby. So, I didn't had to worried to over sleep and I woke up around 8 than I get ready and eat breakfast with my mom. Sometimes I walk to school, sometimes my mom drives me to school before she goes to work. I still didn't wear any make up and I still didn't do anything to my hair.
I love having a free last period before school gets out because I can get out of school before anyone and get a head start on walking home. It's takes me around 40 mins to walk home. I had no one would live near me and I had no one walk with me. I do have a friend lives like 3 streets from me, but she always gets a ride home from her mom and her mom won't let me get a ride home. The walk isn't bad or hard, but its a long walk thought. When I walk home its a huge long to go the street light from the school than from there all flat straight. The hard part is having to walk by In N Out when you are hungry... Always makes me drool.. Who ever doesn't know what is In N Out, its a hamburger and french fries and shakes food, but so yummy. Than I walk near a duck pond/ golf course area. It is a beautiful area, but you should watch out for geese's attacking!!! AHHH I did got a attack one time!! After that crazy mess, 2 BIG up hills than I am home! I can get home in 35 mins because I had a crush from Michigan and he help me get home fast because I wanted to Skype call him and talk to him, so I ran home most the time.
My 2 favorite classes in Senior year... Can you guess???
First favorite class, I had is PHOTOGRAPHY!!! I am still glad that I still able to get into photography class and I was so bless and thankful. (I still have every paperwork that the teacher hand out and I graduated in 2012.) In photography class, there is a bunch of students about 50. The teacher is so amazing and he knows so much about everything. On the first day, the teacher told everyone you can pick anywhere to sit. Sadly,I didn't know anyone in the class. :( Some junior, she sat next to me. She was so pretty and look like a she doesn't have any brains. She look she is popular. She always complaining how hard the work was and didn't understand things. She ALWAYS asked me, if she can copy my work and I said no.. After we change our spots, I meet someone and we became friends. After the first half of school was over, I got new schedule and sadly, change of periods. Hopefully, I will be able to get someone I know in my new photography period. Sadly, that didn't happened, I have people who I don't care for... My ex friend and sadly, I tried to make new friends in the class, BUT FAIL!!!!
Remember the guy, who I was crushing? The new one? Well... He was living in Michigan. During photography class, he was the one who made me smile and enjoy my photography class even more! MY teacher let us text and let us eat in his classroom, but only thing you, you have to put your phone away if the principle or anyone who is higher rank than the teacher.. This the ONLY period, only time during school hours I was able to text him nonstop. We became so close and he was only two hours ahead of me. During the day, we only text rarely and only during going to class to class and sometimes at lunch time.
My second favorite class is Anatomy class, I had this the other half of school year. I love learning about the human body and I LOVE watching bloody ER shows and cops shows. My teacher, she was my ninth grade teacher, and she very sweet. A lot people said she is mean, but she just little rough on grades. On the first day, I smile and saw a friend, I know and awesome people! YAY! No rude and annoying students!! My friend and I were always doing projects and homework with each other and help each other out. My friend, she is a Christian just like me. She was a older than me in age, but she is junior. We did the final together project.
There is favorite classes, but there is not so favorite classes.
I HATE the teacher and everyone does too. Can you guess which class I didn't enjoy? I didn't care for the Child Development class because I already know about children and how to raise kids. How I know???
My daycare lady,she taught me how to take care of newborn to 18 years old. The teacher was VERY RUDE and horrible and isn't nice to anyone! If anyone who higher than her, she is nice and a doll. She won't let no one bring a water bottle into her classroom.
Winter break was truly a huge amazing, Winter break I ever had.
During the break, I finally had the gut to tell my crush that I want to date him.. I was worried he won't date me and he would not be my friend anymore. On Christmas Eve, that evening, he asked me out and I said YES! After that moment on, one day he will moved to California and live in the same city as me. As today, we are still dating and still madly in love with each other.
I never went to school dances, I NEVER got asked to any dances. I never got anyone to have a crush on me, but my man accepts me for me. He loves my personality first than anything. He always tells me that I am beautiful. He even accepts me being modest.
Anyone wants me to make a post about Modest or what I should post next? Thank you for reading this and thank you for reading my blog! I can't believe how many viewers read my blog and I am truly bless to have you all reading my Blog.
I love having a free last period before school gets out because I can get out of school before anyone and get a head start on walking home. It's takes me around 40 mins to walk home. I had no one would live near me and I had no one walk with me. I do have a friend lives like 3 streets from me, but she always gets a ride home from her mom and her mom won't let me get a ride home. The walk isn't bad or hard, but its a long walk thought. When I walk home its a huge long to go the street light from the school than from there all flat straight. The hard part is having to walk by In N Out when you are hungry... Always makes me drool.. Who ever doesn't know what is In N Out, its a hamburger and french fries and shakes food, but so yummy. Than I walk near a duck pond/ golf course area. It is a beautiful area, but you should watch out for geese's attacking!!! AHHH I did got a attack one time!! After that crazy mess, 2 BIG up hills than I am home! I can get home in 35 mins because I had a crush from Michigan and he help me get home fast because I wanted to Skype call him and talk to him, so I ran home most the time.
My 2 favorite classes in Senior year... Can you guess???
First favorite class, I had is PHOTOGRAPHY!!! I am still glad that I still able to get into photography class and I was so bless and thankful. (I still have every paperwork that the teacher hand out and I graduated in 2012.) In photography class, there is a bunch of students about 50. The teacher is so amazing and he knows so much about everything. On the first day, the teacher told everyone you can pick anywhere to sit. Sadly,I didn't know anyone in the class. :( Some junior, she sat next to me. She was so pretty and look like a she doesn't have any brains. She look she is popular. She always complaining how hard the work was and didn't understand things. She ALWAYS asked me, if she can copy my work and I said no.. After we change our spots, I meet someone and we became friends. After the first half of school was over, I got new schedule and sadly, change of periods. Hopefully, I will be able to get someone I know in my new photography period. Sadly, that didn't happened, I have people who I don't care for... My ex friend and sadly, I tried to make new friends in the class, BUT FAIL!!!!
Remember the guy, who I was crushing? The new one? Well... He was living in Michigan. During photography class, he was the one who made me smile and enjoy my photography class even more! MY teacher let us text and let us eat in his classroom, but only thing you, you have to put your phone away if the principle or anyone who is higher rank than the teacher.. This the ONLY period, only time during school hours I was able to text him nonstop. We became so close and he was only two hours ahead of me. During the day, we only text rarely and only during going to class to class and sometimes at lunch time.
My second favorite class is Anatomy class, I had this the other half of school year. I love learning about the human body and I LOVE watching bloody ER shows and cops shows. My teacher, she was my ninth grade teacher, and she very sweet. A lot people said she is mean, but she just little rough on grades. On the first day, I smile and saw a friend, I know and awesome people! YAY! No rude and annoying students!! My friend and I were always doing projects and homework with each other and help each other out. My friend, she is a Christian just like me. She was a older than me in age, but she is junior. We did the final together project.
There is favorite classes, but there is not so favorite classes.
I HATE the teacher and everyone does too. Can you guess which class I didn't enjoy? I didn't care for the Child Development class because I already know about children and how to raise kids. How I know???
My daycare lady,she taught me how to take care of newborn to 18 years old. The teacher was VERY RUDE and horrible and isn't nice to anyone! If anyone who higher than her, she is nice and a doll. She won't let no one bring a water bottle into her classroom.
Winter break was truly a huge amazing, Winter break I ever had.
During the break, I finally had the gut to tell my crush that I want to date him.. I was worried he won't date me and he would not be my friend anymore. On Christmas Eve, that evening, he asked me out and I said YES! After that moment on, one day he will moved to California and live in the same city as me. As today, we are still dating and still madly in love with each other.
I never went to school dances, I NEVER got asked to any dances. I never got anyone to have a crush on me, but my man accepts me for me. He loves my personality first than anything. He always tells me that I am beautiful. He even accepts me being modest.
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Senior picture! I didn't do my hair and I didn't got my hair done. Just my make up. |
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My Picture of me of my last day of high school! |
Anyone wants me to make a post about Modest or what I should post next? Thank you for reading this and thank you for reading my blog! I can't believe how many viewers read my blog and I am truly bless to have you all reading my Blog.
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